It was certainly an eventful 2020, and despite the significant disruption to supply lines and social gaming we still got through it all intact! We couldn't have done it without our customers and for that we will always be grateful for the support we have received so far. 2021 is going to be a big year for us as we plan to grow and offer more products to you, the tabletop gamer, and support more events and local content creators where we can.
First up this year is our new option to order custom sizes for our Neoprene Gaming Mats. These are available in any square or rectangular size you like and if you have an even more complex request then feel free to send us an email at
Pictured below is a 3x3 example for whichever tabletop war-gaming or roleplaying game takes your fancy. All of our upcoming designs will have this option so whichever game system you play we have you covered!

Happy New Year and we hope you enjoy your gaming wherever you are!
Hey team, will there be other designs? Like cityscapes, woods, snow tundra, etc?